Florence / Milan
As an architecture student, Italy seemed to me as the ultimate destination to study famous masterpieces - buildings and cities known from the course of the art history. Being an undergrad it was definitely one of the most educational experience not only to see in person and understand the significance of the classical architecture but also to shape my own sensitivity to the matter of history, memory and the role of the heritage.
Personally, I find it very informative to visit these two cities – Florence and Milan – during one trip. While Florence offers an unique lesson learnt from the collective experience of the past generations of city builders, artists and architects found in a wide range of exquisite pieces of architecture like the Baptistery or cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore with its outstanding Brunelleschi’s Dome, not to mention plenty of picturesque piazzas, Milan presents the potential how this experience can be successfully put into practice of urban regeneration. The vibrant city centre was a perfect example of challenging but viable coexistence of modern, intensive city life within the walls of heritage sites.
This study trip offered me also a good opportunity to observe and share the public space activities that make living in a city so enjoyable, is it sipping coffee in an outdoor café or an evening walk after entertaining performance.